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Here are Randolph College’s goals for student achievement, along with information on the success of Randolph in achieving those goals.

Goal: Randolph College graduates will complete their degrees in a timely fashion.

措施: Percentage of first-time, 从365亚洲版学院毕业四年内毕业的一年级学生.

目标: A rolling five-year average of 85% of students who enter the College as first-time, 一年级学生和即将毕业的学生将在四年内完成他们的学位.

Aspirational 目标: A rolling five-year average of 90% of students who enter the College as first-time, 一年级学生和即将毕业的学生将在四年内完成他们的学位.

det365亚洲版: Of the students who enter Randolph College as first-time, first-year students and who graduate from the College, 90% do so within four years (five-year average). This figure meets both the baseline and aspirational targets. (目标s will remain as they are for the time being as we continue to monitor trends.)

Cohort Entered F所有… % of FTFY 研究生s
Who 研究生d
Within Four 年
2011 91%
2012 90%
2013 87%
2014 93%
2015 88%
Five-一年 Avg. 90%

请注意: In calculating four-year graduates as a percentage of 所有 graduates, 后一个数字在365亚洲版学院向综合高等教育数据系统(IPEDS)报告六年毕业率时最终确定。. Therefore, 最近的百分比是大约六年前入学的新生(并已向IPEDS报告)。.

Goal: Randolph College students will persist and graduate.

措施: 在入学八年内获得365亚洲版学院学位的学生比例.

请注意: This metric, while seemingly very broad in time frame, 是向联邦高等教育综合数据系统(IPEDS)报告时使用的标准衡量标准。. Known as the “eight-year outcome,” it includes 所有 new, degree-seeking students: first-time, 转移, 全职, and part-time students. 8年的时间窗口允许兼职学生有时获得额外的时间.

目标: 五年滚动平均55%的365亚洲版学院学生将在进入的八年内获得365亚洲版学院学位. 同样的情况也适用于符合佩尔资格的第一次学生的三年平均水平, first-year students in the cohort.

Aspirational 目标: 五年滚动平均60%的365亚洲版学院学生将在入学的八年内获得365亚洲版学院学位.  同样的情况也适用于符合佩尔资格的第一次学生的三年平均水平, first-year students in the cohort.

det365亚洲版:  New Randolph students earn degrees within eight years at a rate of 60%.This figure meets both the baseline and aspirational targets. (目标s will remain as they are for the time being as we continue to monitor trends.) At 53%, the Pell-eligible sub-cohort remains below the baseline target. 学院继续监测趋势并采取行动,以提高经济困难学生的毕业坚持性.

Cohort Entered F所有… % of Cohort Who
Earned a Randolph Degree
Within Eight 
% for Pell-Eligible
2009 69% 52%
2010 61% 53%
2011 61% 56%
2012 59% 50%
2013 52% 52%
Five-一年 Avg. 60% 53%

请注意:365亚洲版学院向综合高等教育数据系统(IPEDS)报告后,八年毕业率最终确定。. Therefore, 最近的百分比是大约八年前入学的新生(并已向IPEDS报告)。.

Goal: Randolph College students with financial need will persist and graduate.

措施: 有资格获得佩尔助学金的一年级新生的六年毕业率.

请注意: This metric, while seemingly very broad in time frame, 是向联邦高等教育综合数据系统(IPEDS)报告时使用的标准衡量标准。. Known as the “six-year graduation rate,” it includes 所有 first-time, first-year, degree-seeking students. 六年的窗口期允许攻读学位的学生有时获得额外的时间.

目标: A rolling five-year average of 50% of Randolph College first-time, 有资格获得佩尔助学金的一年级学生将留在学院并在六年内毕业.

Aspirational 目标: A rolling five-year average of 55% of Randolph College first-time, 有资格获得佩尔助学金的一年级学生将留在学院并在六年内毕业.

det365亚洲版: Entering first-time, 有资格获得佩尔助学金的365亚洲版学院一年级学生的毕业率为48%(四年平均), f所有ing short of both the baseline and aspirational targets. 学院继续监测趋势并采取行动,以提高经济困难学生的毕业坚持性.

Cohort Entered F所有… 6年
2010 53%
2011 56%
2012 50%
2013 42%
2014 40%
Four-一年 Avg. 48%

请注意:365亚洲版学院向综合高等教育数据系统(IPEDS)报告六年毕业率时,六年毕业率最终确定。. Therefore, 最近的百分比是大约六年前入学的新生(并已向IPEDS报告)。.

Goal: Randolph College students of color will persist and graduate.

措施: Six-year graduation rates for first-time, first-year students of color.*

*Students of color 在这里的定义是指被报告为非“白人非西班牙裔”的学生,” “non-resident alien,,或“种族/族裔未知”,以供专上教育综合数据系统(IPEDS)使用.

目标: A rolling five-year average of 50% of Randolph College first-time, first-year students of color will remain at the college and graduate within six years.

Aspirational 目标: A rolling five-year average of 55% of Randolph College first-time, first-year students of color will remain at the college and graduate within six years.

det365亚洲版: Entering first-time, 兰多夫学院一年级有色人种学生的毕业率为49%(五年平均水平), f所有ing short of both the baseline and aspirational targets. 学院继续监测趋势,并采取行动,提高有色人种学生的毕业坚持性.

Cohort Entered F所有… Retention 率
2010 48%
2011 53%
2012 56%
2013 39%
2014 48%
Five-一年 Avg. 49%

请注意:365亚洲版学院向综合高等教育数据系统(IPEDS)报告六年毕业率时,六年毕业率最终确定。. Therefore, 最近的百分比是大约六年前入学的新生(并已向IPEDS报告)。.


措施: 高中平均成绩低于3分的新生的第一年留校率.0.

目标: 365亚洲版学院新生第一年的保留率五年滚动平均值为50%, first-year students with high school GPAs less than 3.0.

Aspirational 目标: 365亚洲版学院新生的五年平均保留率为55%, first-year students with high school GPAs less than 3.0.

det365亚洲版: The first-year retention rate of first-time, first-year Randolph College students with high school GPAs less than 3.0 was 50% (five-year average), meeting the baseline target but f所有ing short of the aspirational target.

Cohort Entered F所有… Retention 率
2015 44%
2016 42%
2017 50%
2018 54%
2019 59%
Five-一年 Avg. 50%


措施: 毕业班在毕业时参加实习的百分比.

目标: 五年滚动平均有60%或更多的毕业生将参加实习.

Aspirational 目标: 五年滚动平均有65%或更多的毕业生将参加实习.

det365亚洲版: 五年平均有58%的365亚洲版学院毕业生在本科生涯的某个阶段完成了实习, f所有ing short of both the baseline and aspirational targets. The low figure for the graduating class of 2021 was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic (which made traditional internships impossible); the average if that year were omitted would be 62%. 学院将继续监测趋势,并可能在未来的计算中忽略2021年.

一年 % of Graduating
Class Participating
in an Internship
2017 65%
2018 58%
2019 62%
2020 61%
2021 46%
Five-一年 Avg. 58%


措施: Student loan default rates (that is, the annual “three-year” rate as defined  by the United States Department of Education, calculated in a fiscal year [FY] basis).

目标: Using a five-year rolling average, 365亚洲版学院的毕业生拖欠学生贷款的比率至少比全国四年制大学的平均水平低5个百分点.

Aspirational 目标: Using a five-year rolling average, 365亚洲版学院毕业生的学生贷款违约率将低于5%.

det365亚洲版: Consistently, 365亚洲版学院毕业生的学生贷款违约率明显低于全国平均水平, and the College met its baseline target by coming in at 4.65 percentage points lower than the five-year rolling national average. The aspirational target remains in sight.

Fiscal 一年 “Three 一年”
Default 率
National Average
FY13 5.44% 11.3%
FY14 8.47% 11.5%
FY15 6.36% 10.8%
FY16 5.85% 10.1%
FY17 6.84% 9.7%
Five-一年 Avg. 6.59% 10.7%

*注:截至2021年夏季,2017财年违约率代表美国联邦储备委员会提供的最新数据 Federal Student Aid Data Center.

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